Ranger Fit
Implementing functional exercises after testing and functional movement screening through a Biokinetics approach can only add value to the men and women on the frontline protecting our Endangered Species.
ResearchSupporting research is a vital aspect of conservation, the facts gives direction to the actions that are needed to best support and protect our endangered species.
An example of such a project is one Conducted with Dr Joel Alves, see here.
Once Off
Working with once-off projects, allows us to help fellow organisations and also diversify our impact.
Whether we are collaring a big bull Elephant or assist in a dehorning when someones budget runs out, the ability to provide relief and support is what the once-off projects are about. This, after all, is how we build new relationships and lasting partnerships.
Relocation projects
When the opportunity comes to be involved in the relocation of an endangered or threatened species, whether it is for home range expansion or to supply new genes to a reserve, the trill of seeing new hope or a new footprint of one of these animals, makes these projects special.
Anti Poaching Units
At the heart of our organisation lies the frontline of conservation, the boots on the ground and the first line of defence. Since our inception, the support to people on the ground has been our focus, equipping and support to these dedicated men and woman has been a big focus. From sourcing the best possible shoes to patrol for up to 7 hours each day or building a comfortable base camp, supplying the frontline with the best equipment needed, gives our endangered species a better chance.